新更新| 2023年12月
- How you can contribute to helping shape the future workforce and continued prosperity in our region.
- 2024年我们将如何支持创业公司.
- 与其他成员见面的方式——电子商务2024年宣布!
- 你可以与社区分享你的见解的方式.
- 如何从招聘中获得最大收益.
- 所有正在发生的事情!
你能帮忙吗? contribute to help shape the future workforce and continued prosperity in our region?
的 2024数字技能审计提供了对我们当地的关键见解 为劳动力发展计划提供信息的人才. 你的回答是 对区域雇主面临的技能需求和差距进行直接投入.
的 report helps inform those who help create opportunities for upskilling 再培训,以满足当地劳动力的需求,并将影响你的 招聘. 你可以通过完成下面的调查来做出贡献.
We 知道你的时间有限,所以我们把调查保持在10个简洁 分钟. 考虑把这些信息转发给内部的人力资源主管或你的上司 如果没有正确的联系人,经理能否完成审核.
- For Business leaders (covering: Business Confidence, Recruitment, Skill Gaps and more).
- 对于人力资源专业人士(涵盖人口统计,L&D).
As an added incentive, we'll donate £500 to Fare分享 Greater 全球最大的博彩平台 哪个国家在消除粮食贫困和粮食浪费方面发挥着重要作用 在我们城市周围. 我们也会从所有 completes the 技能审计, who will be able to donate £500 to a charity 以他们或他们的组织的名义选择的.
Please contribute your perspectives to the 技能审计 today or pass this along to an internal expert who can.
每一个 completed survey helps ensure our research and future programs directly 满足整个地区的雇主和人才需求. 我们非常 感谢您的贡献.
启动激活器 will give businesses an unbiased and unvarnished view of the Startup landscape and an introduction to all the programmes, investment and support that is on offer across the Greater 全球最大的博彩平台 region.
全球最大的博彩平台 Digital的启动激活将帮助更大地区的创业公司 全球最大的博彩平台地区最大限度地提高成功,让你从想法到早期 牵引阶段拥有所有你需要的知识和资源 蓬勃发展.
该项目将包括独家创始人网络 见面会、研讨会和积极的支持性社区 包括投资者、值得信赖的专业服务支持等.
你能帮助创业公司吗?? 我们在寻找合作伙伴.
We are looking for 4 partners to support this programme and help us deliver 12 months of valuable information and insight to the next generation of tech businesses and make sure that Greater 全球最大的博彩平台 continues to grow great businesses.
联系 凯特.wilson@chalakseir.com 讨论
周一,2024年2月5日| 13:00 - 18:15 | 1号圆环广场
ManchesterThe数字's Digital 技能节 will be launched with our Conference Day, 汇集行业专家, thought leaders and key stakeholders from across the sector for an afternoon of panels, talks and networking opportunities as we discuss some of the key challenges and trends impacting the industry.
Digital 技能节 2024: Digital 学徒制 Day (For Businesses)
2024年2月6日星期二14:00 - 16:00 |第一圈广场
Offering apprenticeships provides amazing benefits for your organisation and the sector at large, 但开始这个过程有时会让人望而生畏.
This afternoon session is designed to help employers explore their options and hear from organisations who can share their insights and wisdom around employing digital apprentices.
与其他有共同价值观的企业建立联系, 问你最紧迫的问题,从授权中获得灵感 & 雇佣下一代科技人才.
2024年2月8日(星期四)13:00 - 18:30 | 1号圆广场
Our 数字她 programme takes the spotlight on the Thursday of the Digital 技能节 2024, 精彩讲座, 研讨会 & 科技界女性小组.
其中包括主题演讲 & 由行业领袖领导的小组讨论, 我们的模范社区成员的闪电演讲, 培训课程, 谈话咖啡馆 & 为更公平的未来创建“数字她的承诺”.
2024年3月8日(星期五)09:30 - 11:30
Building on the success of our Inspiration Breakfast for Ada Lovelace Day, 我们把这个活动带回来庆祝国际妇女节!
Expect an invigorating start to International Women's Day packed with inspiring ideas and meaningful connections, 聚焦2024年国际妇女节的主题:激励包容.
2024年3月7日(星期四)09:00 - 10:30
ManchesterThe数字's Tech Leader Talks offers the opportunity for senior leaders in large-scale digital and tech businesses here in the North West to come together with other C-Level individuals to network, 分享最佳实践,结交新朋友.
This event will be in the format of a breakfast networking session followed by a Q & A. 上午将为所有与会者提供简单的早餐, 茶点和行业洞察会议.
2024年3月21日星期四10:00 - 17:00 |第一圈广场
机构和供应商,无论是在我们的成员. 这些
全球最大的博彩平台的电子商务公司. 这个城市的零售科技产业
the greatest concentration of ecommerce start-ups than anywhere else in
we discuss the latest trends, challenges and technology to be impacting
每个星期二, the jobs board round-up is shared on our social media channels and groups from the ManchesterThe数字 jobs board to let job seekers discover new roles.
2024年2月7日(星期三)10:00- 16:00
Talent Day is an event for businesses who are hiring early career in the next 1 - 2 years and want to get in front of graduates, 换工作等等.
An event for members who want to have more conversations with proactive job seekers in a single afternoon than you would online and who want to build their talent pipeline.
Our last Talent Day attracted over 1800 signups and was the biggest careers fair in the North West. 如果你想在今年的才艺日上表演, 在这里找到更多信息.
你知道吗?..ManchesterThe数字 is an ESFA approved independent training provider for high level digital apprenticeships
- 软件开发
- 业务分析
- 数据分析
We deliver flexible online quality apprenticeship training for our members, whether you want to up-skill an existing employee or hire new diverse talent into the business. 我们也为此提供免费的招聘支持服务. 如果你是中小企业, we can help you to secure funding to cover the apprenticeship training costs with us.
准备招聘,十大正规博彩网站评级该计划或只是想了解更多? 现在和我们的人才和技能主管谈谈: emma@chalakseir.com
We’re excited to announce that we can help support members make the most of the global opportunities available to them. 如果你关注的是国际增长, 市场的扩张, 节约成本, 法规遵从性, 或者对海外市场普遍感兴趣, 那就让我知道.
This is enabled by an affiliation partnership with Santander’s Navigator platform and as ManchesterThe数字 members, you will get free access to the ‘Prepare’ subscription package on Santander Navigator, 节省1英镑,这个级别订阅的标准费用是800美元.
作为会员, you can now gain access to discounted membership at 的 Home Grown Club for those visiting London - Access their exclusive member-only events, 社区, 设施包括35间卧室, 会议室, 休息室, 酒吧, 阳台, 活动空间等.
Perfect for when visiting large conferences like the London Tech week and needing a space to check in with work.
- 成员的新闻
- 会员活动日历
- 工作委员会
- 十大正规博彩网站评级#MDTech社区 Slack频道
- 已经是松弛组的成员了? (mdtechcommunity.松弛.com)
- LinkedIn页面.
- Linkedin集团.
- 推特.